Divorce Court is a reality television show that has been airing since 1957. The show is a courtroom drama that focuses on real-life divorces, as couples come before a judge to settle their disputes. Divorce Court is the longest-running court show in the United States and has become a staple of daytime television.
The show has seen many changes over the years. In the early days, it was a live show that aired only in certain markets. Today, it is a pre-recorded show that airs nationally. The show has also changed its format several times. In the past, it focused on real-life divorces that were settled in court. Today, it is more of a reality show, with couples coming in to discuss their problems with a judge.
Divorce Court has been criticized by some for being exploitative. Critics argue that the show takes advantage of the emotional turmoil that couples are going through during a divorce. Supporters of the show argue that it provides a valuable service by showing viewers that they are not alone in their struggles.